Donna Howe RSciTech shares insight on the Science Council awards
The AAPT were delighted to award Donna Howe Registered Science Technician status after Donna successfully came through the Science Council Common Application Process (CAP).
Donna took time out to answer a few questions in relation to making an application for the professional awards
The AAPT provide guidance documents and other useful references within the AAPT website. Did you find these useful as you completed the application?
Yes I found them very useful, I read through them before starting the on line application and found it helpful to refer back to the throughout the process.
The guidance was easy to understand and helped break down what the science council were asking of you.
Did you find the on-line application process easy to navigate?
The application was very easy to follow and it was very easy to navigate around, it is broken down into clear sections which mean each section can be completed before moving onto the next. Due to the way the application is broken down it was very easy to complete the different sections as and when I had some spare time, I found it much easier to complete the sections one at a time rather than feeling pressured to complete the process in a rush.
The commitment to the standards expected of a Registered Science Technician (RSciTech) are considerable and provide parity for APTs with technical and scientific colleagues across the UK. Do you feel part of a wider community now?
Although this a new thing for APTs I do feel I am now part of a bigger picture and as APTs I feel our work is finally being recognised and think as more APTs hopefully become registered things will continue to change for us all.
The Science Council CPD standards are well matched with the AAPT CPD portfolio. Will you be using the AAPT on-line portfolio to demonstrate the CPD standards expected of an RSciTech?
Yes I will definitely be making a start on that in the very near future.
Would you encourage other APTs to start their application and what were your main reasons for applying to become an RSciTech?
Yes I would defiantly encourage others to start the application, it is not as daunting as it first looks and once the process was started I actually enjoyed most parts of it and feel I learned more about the everyday processes I do.
The only way we can become more recognised as a profession is for more APTs to complete the registration process.
Did you draw upon the knowledge gained from the Level 3 Diploma in Anatomical Pathology Technology?
Yes I do believe the Level 3 Diploma definitely helped with going through the registration process and I feel having completed the Level 3 Diploma gave me the confidence to start and complete registration process.
Any tips and hints for other APTs who wish to apply?
I would say just get is started and complete it in your own time, there is no rush or time frame for it to be completed, it is very easy to pick up and put down so can con be fitted in around life commitments.
I think it is something we all should be thinking about if we want our profession to be recognised.