This document describes an updated, UK-wide strategic approach to planning for and responding to the demands of an influenza pandemic. It supersedes the 2007 National framework for responding to an influenza pandemic (including the equivalent Scottish version).
This document describes an updated, UK-wide strategic approach to planning for and responding to the demands of an influenza pandemic. It supersedes the 2007 National framework for responding to an influenza pandemic (including the equivalent Scottish version).
The strategy has UK-wide applicability and there will be no separate version for Scotland or the other devolved administrations. We are however considering the development of operational guidance to accompany the main Strategy, focussed on the health and social care sectors.
As with the previous version, the expectation is that the strategy will inform the development of updated operational plans by local organisations and emergency planners.
A consultation on the draft Strategy ran from March until 17 June 2011. We would like to thank those of you who responded to the consultation. A summary of the responses from across the UK is also being published. Links to both documents are available via the Scottish Government website, or directly on the Department of Health website:
Billy Renfrew
NHS Board Support & Resilience