Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology


APT success at Registered Scientist award level

Jessica Arnold RSci MAAPT is the first Registered Scientist on the AAPT Science Council register

Jessica took timeout with the AAPT to talk about the award of Registered Scientist

Congrats on the RSci award! Would you encourage other APTs to start their application and what were your main reasons for applying to become a Registered Scientist?

I would encourage everyone to make an application, the more APTs we have join the better it is for our profession.

I wanted to apply to become a registered scientist because I take part in assisting with the some of the teaching of the level 3/4 courses and I want to be an example to our students.  I have always vocalised the need for CPD and the need for APTs to be recognised as a professional body I wanted to support what I have said with action.

The commitment to the standards expected of a Registered Scientist are considerable and provide parity for APTs with technical and scientific colleagues across the UK. Once the award is achieved it must then be maintained through CPD and adherence to the standards. Is this daunting or a new professional challenge to overcome?

I always try to keep on top of my CPD anyway having this new requirement will just ensure I formally document my development and make an active effort to complete it more regularly. 

The AAPT provided guidance documents and other useful references within the AAPT website. Did you find these useful as you completed the application?

I used the help provided by the AAPT which made the application more manageable for the sections I was stuck on. I would also encourage any new applicants who need additional support to post a message on the AAPT facebook forum. I'd be happy to assist in any way I can!

Did you draw upon the knowledge gained from the RSPH Level 3 and 4 Diploma in Healthcare Science (Anatomical Pathology Technology)?

I did, there were several sections I could use examples from my RSPH Level 4 Diploma portfolio. Now the portfolio is electronic it was easy to located my Level 4 evidence pieces and input them into the application form.

Finally, any last hints & tips for APT colleagues looking to apply?

It is a long application, take it in small sections and focus on one question at a time. You can log in and out and save your progress. Use your peers to help you with some examples of evidence pieces.

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